Tuesday 26 April 2016

Choco Brownies!!!!

You’ve probably eaten your fair share of brownies, but did you know there are two distinct types of the delicious chocolate-y squares? Here’s our recipe for a five-ingredient version made with nothing but salted butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and cocoa powder.
As for those two versions.
On the one hand, you’ve got brownies made from melted chocolate. Chocolate, if you were curious, is made from cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, and usually some added sugar. To recommend them, these brownies have an incredibly dense, fudgey quality. Everyone loves them.
On the other hand, you’ve got brownies made from cocoa powder (like the ones you’re about to drool over). Cocoa powder is cocoa liquor stripped of its fat. You know it as the stuff you mix with milk and sugar to make hot chocolate every winter. As a result, you’ve probably got some in your pantry right now. When you use cocoa powder, you’re the one who applies all the fat and the sweetness to your brownie formula. Despite the fact that cocoa powder looks dry, you can make exceedingly moist brownies with the stuff. Let’s go!
Pull these five ingredients from your pantry or fridge:
Five-Ingredient Brownies | Blue ApronBrownies1
Use a bit of the wrap from the butter to grease the pan. Make sure to get the bottom and sides.

Five-Ingredient Brownies | Blue ApronPut that aside. Now whisk together flour, sugar, and cocoa powder.
Five-Ingredient Brownies | Blue Apron
In a separate bowl, you’ll whisk together the melted butter and eggs. Pour that mixture over the dry ingredients and fold them together. Batter! That goes into the buttered pan.

Five-Ingredient Brownies | Blue Apron
If you’re into it, you can scatter the top of the brownies with flaky sea salt. The bits of salt bring out the full flavor of the chocolate.

A thin knife stuck in the middle of the brownies will tell you if the batter is cooked. Here’s how: check to see if there are crumbs on the knife; if there are more than a few, pop the brownies back in the oven.
The cooler the brownies are, the easier they will be to cut into squares.  Cooler brownies will yield a nice clean cut. But, it’s not so easy to wait, so it’s craggy lines for us today.

And here’s what happens when you make a big brownie pile and start eating the chocolaty goodness, little bite by little bite…

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